106 products
Gustave Sennelier opened this art supply store in 1887, near the famous Ecole des Beaux-Arts. Initially, Sennelier sold paints made by various manufacturers; later he chose to produce his own paints using local pigments and binders procured from his travels across Europe.
The Sennelier Aquarelle brand originated from France and its roots are found in the Impressionist school. Paul Cezanne and William Turner have produced watercolor paintings and from then on, watercolor has established its place in the history of painting. Artists love them because of their radiance and their spontaneity. They are honey-based watercolour which is made using traditional methods and are ground using grindstones rotating slowly so as not to heat up the paste.
Sennelier has a wide range of products from watercolor, soft pastels, oil pastels, oil paints, acrylic, papers and other mediums.
