Christmas is the perfect time to create something to give as presents to friends and family! Holiday wreaths are an easy subject matter to paint especially if you want to combine different painting techniques. You can make this design into greeting cards or gift the painting itself to your loved ones. Watch below to learn how to easily paint your own holly berry wreath!
The materials that we used for painting our holiday wreath in the video are:
Masking liquid eases us off of having to avoid certain areas manually, putting us out of the risk of covering areas with too many leaves and not enough berries. Its 2mm pen applicator (as seen in the video) is easy to use and the liquid is very easy to remove once dry. You may rub the liquid off with your fingers or use a Pro Art Cement Pick Up Square after painting.
The rigger brush is the best tool for creating thin lines without the hassle of repetitive loading or re-dipping for paint. In the video, we used the size 2 brush for stems, fine leaves and details. The fibres of this line of brushes act and perform just like real sable but is actually synthetic and more affordable. This precision rigger brush is definitely a must-have for every artist.

The petit gris round brush is a pure squirrel-haired brush that mimics the shape and performance of a mop brush. Therefore, it works well for single-stroke leaves or petal painting. Its soft natural hairs let it carry more water and paint. Sizes 10 and 12 are great sizes for small to medium format paintings as you can lay in both big washes with the whole tuft and fine details with only the tip.
This paint set is a portable box with a built-in mixing palette, 12 colors, space for a travel brush in between the color pans, and an elastic band attached to the bottom for your hand to fit. The case is a nice white plastic one that is just a bit bigger than the usual small metal tin case for pans. The paints are rich and vibrant, formulated with honey, and re-wet easily. The pans inside are quality student-grade watercolors with reliable lightfastness. The colors in this set are: Titanium White, Lemon Yellow, Chinese Orange, Alizarin Crimson Lake, Rose Madder Lake, Phtalocyanine Blue, Cobalt Blue, Phtalocyanine Green Deep, Phtalocyanine Green Light, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Umber, and Payne’s Grey. This selection of colors is Sennelier's standard set for a versatility as you can mix a multitude of hues and values for painting different subject matters.
These are the items used in the video. We hope you can now create your own design of a holiday wreath. Don't be scared to go very bold and change up colors to make it more festive!